- OP1 8k Gaming Souris - Blanc
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OP1 8k Gaming Souris - Blanc

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(5/5) 9 avis
Voici la souris de jeu filaire OP1 8k. Conçue pour des performances inégalées, l'OP1 8k est équipée d'un MCU haute vitesse et du nouveau capteur PixArt PAW3395, offrant un taux d'interrogation stupéfiant de 8000 Hz pour un suivi fluide, précis et ultra-rapide. Équipé de nos commutateurs mécaniques exclusifs Kailh GX, l'OP1 8k offre une sensation de clic légère et nette, combinée à une latence de clic exceptionnellement faible. Sans besoin d'économie d'énergie, l'OP1 8k redéfinit la réactivité et la fiabilité, parfait pour les joueurs compétitifs et professionnels. Personnalisez encore plus votre expérience avec des boutons principaux interchangeables, des skates et des skins.
Couleur: Blanc
62,94 € Vous devez payer les impôts et les taxes directement aux autorités compétentes hors
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Construction légère – poids total de ~50.5g


PixArt PAW3395


Kailh GOMechanical Switches

Fréquence d'interrogation ultra-rapide jusqu'à 8000 Hz

{{ cmsLazyLoadingImage('/products/op1/op1-8k/gaming-mouse-endgame-gear-op1-8k-white-mcu.jpg', 'Souris de jeu avec un taux de sondage ultra-rapide allant jusqu'à 8000 Hz','img-fluid w-100','(min-width: 992px) 800px, 100vw','','',[156,282,328,442,512,688,926,1074]) }}

Faites l'expérience d'une réactivité ultime et d'une précision en temps réel grâce à l'incroyable fréquence d'interrogation de 8 000 Hz de l'OP1 8k. Alimentée par le MCU haute vitesse Nuvoton M483, cette souris de jeu fournit jusqu'à 8000 rapports de données par seconde, garantissant des vitesses fulgurantes et des délais minimes. Chaque mouvement étant parfaitement exécuté, vous aurez le dessus dans les scénarios de jeu les plus intenses et les plus rapides. Vous jouerez toujours à plein régime, car de plus en plus de jeux prennent en charge la fonction 8000 Hz, complétée par des optimisations constantes du système d'exploitation. Dites adieu aux problèmes techniques et bonjour aux jeux sans souci, car vous pouvez régler sans effort le taux d'interrogation par une simple pression prolongée sur le bouton de mode situé en bas de la souris. Améliorez votre expérience de jeu grâce à la précision et à la réactivité inégalées de l'OP1 8k.

Capteur PixArt PAW3395

{{ cmsLazyLoadingImage('/products/op1/op1-8k/gaming-mouse-endgame-gear-op1-8k-white-sensor.jpg', 'Capteur ultra-rapide à l intérieur de la souris de jeu OP1 8k','img-fluid w-100','(min-width: 992px) 800px, 100vw','','',[156,282,328,442,512,688,926,1074]) }}

Obtenez une précision inégalée et un suivi rapide comme l'éclair avec le capteur PixArt PAW3395. Avec une vitesse impressionnante de 26 000 CPI, 650 IPS et 50G, ce capteur garantit la précision et l'impact de chacun de vos mouvements. Naviguez dans les mondes virtuels avec une précision inégalée et immergez-vous sans effort dans l'action du jeu. Mais ce n'est pas tout. Faites passer vos performances de jeu au niveau supérieur grâce à la fonction Motion-Sync du capteur. En activant la fonction Motion-Sync, qui offre des taux d'interrogation allant jusqu'à 4 000 Hz, vous pouvez bénéficier d'intervalles de données cohérents, ce qui vous permet de perfectionner votre mémoire musculaire et d'optimiser votre jeu compétitif.

Interrupteurs Kailh GX développé par Endgame Gear

{{ cmsLazyLoadingImage('/products/op1/op1-8k/gaming-mouse-endgame-gear-op1-8k-white-switches.jpg', 'Souris de jeu Endgame Gear avec des interrupteurs Kailh GX à l intérieur de l OP1 8k','img-fluid w-100','(min-width: 992px) 800px, 100vw','','',[156,282,328,442,512,688,926,1074]) }}

Conçus pour une précision fulgurante à tous les taux d'interrogation, les interrupteurs mécaniques Kailh GX garantissent que vous ne manquerez aucun clic crucial. Leur configuration SPDT assure un contact électrique optimal et une fiabilité inégalée. Dotés de contacts supérieurs et inférieurs, les commutateurs Kailh GX excellent, que vous préfériez une faible latence de clic en mode GX Speed ou la sécurité en mode GX Safe. Ce qui les distingue, c'est leur sensation de clic nette et définie, offrant un retour tactile pour un meilleur contrôle du jeu. Un actionnement précis et une conception équilibrée garantissent des actions de tir rapide sans faille et sans risque de spam.

Forme redessinée pour une prise en main polyvalente

{{ cmsLazyLoadingImage('/products/op1/op1-8k/gaming-mouse-endgame-gear-op1-8k-white-shape.jpg', 'Forme de souris de jeu optimisée pour la prise en griffe OP1 8k','img-fluid w-100','(min-width: 992px) 800px, 100vw','','',[156,282,328,442,512,688,926,1074]) }}

Avec un poids d'à peine plus de 50 g, la souris de jeu OP1 8k offre un confort inégalé lors des sessions de jeu intenses, vous permettant ainsi de vous concentrer sur vos performances. S'inspirant de la forme populaire de la XM, l'OP1 8k l'élève d'un cran tout en mettant l'accent sur les doigts. Ses côtés plus plats offrent une flexibilité ultime pour le placement des doigts, ce qui en fait une excellente solution, même pour les joueurs aux mains plus larges. Les parois latérales étendues empêchent les clics accidentels, ce qui vous permet de poser vos doigts sur le bord sans interruption. Ce changement de conception subtil mais significatif offre un confort et un contrôle accrus, et s'adresse aux joueurs ayant des tailles de mains et des styles de prise en main différents.

Pas d'économie d'énergie

{{ cmsLazyLoadingImage('/products/op1/op1-8k/gaming-mouse-endgame-gear-op1-8k-white-cable.jpg', 'Performance maximale avec la souris de jeu OP1 8k','img-fluid w-100','(min-width: 992px) 800px, 100vw','','',[156,282,328,442,512,688,926,1074]) }}

Grâce à son câble Flex Cord 5.0 et donc à sa connexion permanente au PC, l'OP1 8k n'a pas besoin d'économiser de l'énergie. L'absence de fonctions d'économie d'énergie et le mode cordon permanent du capteur signifient que l'appareil est toujours au maximum de ses performances, prêt à exécuter tous vos mouvements (ou clics) avec une exactitude et une précision inégalées. Alors que d'autres souris peuvent connaître un léger retard à l'allumage, la nôtre reste prête à l'action à tout moment. Résultat ? Des temps de réponse instantanés et un suivi au pixel près, qui vous donnent une longueur d'avance sur vos concurrents. Dites adieu aux minuscules retards causés par les mesures d'économie d'énergie. Dites bonjour à la souris de jeu ultime qui ne dort jamais, l'Endgame Gear OP1 8k.

Interrupteurs de boutons principaux interchangeables avec des packs d'interrupteurs optionnels

{{ cmsLazyLoadingImage('/products/op1/op1-8k/gaming-mouse-endgame-gear-op1-8k-white-swappable.jpg', 'Souris de jeu avec des interrupteurs interchangeables','img-fluid w-100','(min-width: 992px) 800px, 100vw','','',[156,282,328,442,512,688,926,1074]) }}

Qu'est-ce qui fait qu'un clic de souris est génial ? Posez cette question à 10 personnes et vous obtiendrez 11 réponses différentes. Chacun a ses propres préférences et parfois nous voulons simplement utiliser ce que personne d'autre n'utilise. Bien que le Kailh GX soit un commutateur offrant une très bonne combinaison de course interne courte, de point d'actionnement précis et de spammabilité, il se peut que vous souhaitiez toujours essayer votre commutateur préféré. Toutes les souris OP1 sont dotées d'un bouton principal interchangeable, avec des vis accessibles sur la plaque inférieure. Cela permet une personnalisation sans effort, en vous donnant la sensation de clic parfaite, adaptée à vos goûts. Choisissez parmi une variété de packs de commutateurs offrant différentes sensations de clic, et suivez notre guide étape par étape pour remplacer les commutateurs. Avec le pack d'interrupteurs universel, vous pouvez utiliser n'importe quel interrupteur mécanique, sans soudure.

Design de patin hybride

{{ cmsLazyLoadingImage('/products/op1/op1-8k/gaming-mouse-endgame-gear-op1-8k-white-skates.jpg', 'Meilleure souris de jeu avec la meilleure glisse OP1 8k','img-fluid w-100','(min-width: 992px) 800px, 100vw','','',[156,282,328,442,512,688,926,1074]) }}

Tout comme la sensation de clic, la glisse d'une souris de jeu est une science à part entière et dépend du genre de jeu auquel vous jouez le plus. L'OP1 est livrée avec ce que nous appelons le Hybrid Skate Design. Cela signifie que nous avons choisi un jeu de patins plus petits qui offre un bon équilibre entre la surface, le poids et les propriétés de glisse. En outre, nous avons ajouté un jeu de patins plus grands et un patin capteur à l'emballage, ce qui est particulièrement avantageux pour les tapis de souris plus souples. Si vous souhaitez minimiser la surface des patins de votre souris, par exemple pour une utilisation sur un tapis en verre, les grandes rainures de l'OP1 vous offrent de nombreuses possibilités pour placer vos patins préférés. Les vis de la plaque inférieure sont accessibles pour ouvrir la souris et changer les boutons principaux sans enlever les patins.

Spécifications de la souris
Patins conception de patins hybride
Microcontrôleur NUVOTON M483
Type de capteur optique
Modèle de capteur Pixart PAW 3395
DPI réglable Oui
DPI minimum 50 DPI
maximum DPI 26000 DPI
Note dpi Résolution : jusqu'à 26000 CPI (paliers de 50 CPI; prédéfinis : 400, 800 (défaut), 1600, 3200)
Retirer la distance (LoT) 1 mm
Note de distance de soulèvement Distance de lift-off (LOD) : 1mm (2mm par logiciel)
Accélération 50 G
Vitesse de suivi maximale 650 IPS
Disposition de la souris droitier
Types de préhension pris en charge Claw Grip
Couleur primaire Blanc
Fermé / sans fil filaire
Type de connexion USB Typ a
Câble Flex Cord noir 5.0
Longueur de câble 180 cm
Documents de conformité Conformité et sécurité Endgame Gear OP1 8k
Informations sur le fabricant Pro Gamersware GmbH
Gaußstraße 1, 10589 Berlin, Germany
[email protected]
Personne responsable Pro Gamersware GmbH
Gaußstraße 1, 10589 Berlin, Germany
[email protected]
Longueur / profondeur 118.2 mm
Largeur 60.5 mm
Hauteur 37.2 mm
Lester 50.5 g
Normes / Spécifications
Taux de sondage 8000 Hz, 4000 Hz, 2000 Hz, 1000 Hz
Éclairage / RGB Non
Série de produits
Série / famille de produits OP1 8K
Châssis matériaux Plastique
Surface des matériaux revêtement Dry-Grip
Matériaux patins PTFE
Nombre de boutons / touches 6
Nombre de boutons / touches Note Nombre de boutons : 5 + 1 (2x dessus, 2x côté, 1x molette, 1x CPI dessous)
Commutateurs de bouton de souris primaire (droite / gauche) Interrupteurs Kailh GX sélectionnés
Commutation de la durée de vie 80 millions d'activations
Cliquez sur Détection Numérique
Encodeur de roue TTC Silver (large)
Défilement des roues de souris 2 directions
Interrupteur de bouton de souris intermédiaire interrupteurs Kailh GM 2.0 sélectionnés (20 millions d'activations)
Commutateurs de bouton latéraux interrupteurs Kailh GM 2.0 sélectionnés (20 millions d'activations)

Endgame Gear OP1 8K Configuration Tool

Please read this End User License Agreement carefully before you complete the installation process and before you use the ENDGAME GEAR Configuration software for the first time. By using this software (including the installation process), you declare your consent with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. If you do not agree with these terms and conditions, you are not allowed to complete the installation or use the software.

End User License Agreement

This End User License Agreement (hereinafter “Agreement”) is an agreement between you (hereinafter “User”) and the Pro Gamersware GmbH (hereinafter „PGW“), a German limited liability company with its main offices located at Gaußstraße 1, 10589 Berlin, Germany. Unless explicitly otherwise agreed, these terms and conditions apply exclusively.

This Agreement regulates the provision and usage of PGW’s ENDGAME GEAR Configuration Software (hereinafter "Software") on a cost-free-basis.

If you enter into this Agreement on behalf of a company or other legal entity, you represent that you have the authority to bind that entity and its affiliates to these terms and conditions. If you do not have such authority, or if you do not agree to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, you may not install or use this Software. These terms and conditions also apply to updates and additions to the Software made by PGW, unless otherwise specified in the delivery.

  1. Grant of Rights
    1. PGW grants the User a personal, non-transferable, free, non-exclusive, revocable license to use the Software on User’s devices according to these terms and conditions.
    2. The User is permitted to save and use the Software on an end device (e.g. PC, laptop, mobile phone or tablet). The User is responsible for ensuring that the device meets the minimum requirements of the Software. The User ensures that the Software is only used in accordance with the requirements of this Agreement.
    3. Unless provided by applicable, mandatory law, the User may not do and may not request, support or authorize third parties to do the following:
      1. edit, change, modify, adapt, translate or otherwise change the Software in whole or in part, nor allow all or part of the Software to be combined with or integrated into other Software, decompile, disassemble, or reverse engineer the Software, or try to do such things,
      2. reproduce, copy, distribute, sublease, resell or use the Software for any other commercial purposes,
      3. allow third parties, to use the Software in the name of or for the benefit of others,
      4. use the Software in any way, which infringes applicable local, national or international law,
      5. remove or change existing copyright notices or registration features, such as registration numbers in the Software.
  2. Data Security Measures
    1. The User is advised to verify whether the installation of the Software could lead to particular interferences with other software on User’s devises, and further the User shall back up User’s data prior to the first installation and first usage. The User must take all reasonable additional security measures in the event of a suspected software error. The User must, at all times, take all necessary and appropriate data backup precautions and ensure that the data can be reconstructed with reasonable effort from data material that is kept available in machine-readable form.
    2. The User must protect any copies of the Software from being accessed by unauthorized third parties.
  3. Intellectual Property and Reservation of Ownership
    1. PGW reserves all copyrights, titles and rights of use to the Software and all subsequent updates and versions of the Software.
    2. The Software’s Ownership does not pass on to the User. PGW is the sole owner of the Software and any copies of the Software, as well as all trade secrets, patents, trademarks and other industrial property rights relating to the Software. All copies of the Software, in whatever form they were provided by PGW or made by the User, remain the property of PGW, and such copies are deemed to be “on loan” to the User during the license period.
    3. The User acknowledges that only a limited right of use is granted in accordance with provisions of this Agreement. The User is not being granted any rights to the source code of the Software.
  4. Import and Export Restrictions
    1. This Software may be subject to import and export control regulations of different countries. The User will comply with the applicable import and export control regulations of the Federal Republic of Germany, the European Union and the United States of America as well as all other relevant regulations.
  5. Term and Termination
    1. This Agreement is effective from the date on which the Software is installed or from the date on which this Agreement is accepted and is concluded for an indefinite time period. The Agreement ends with its termination by either party.
    2. The User may terminate the Agreement by deleting the Software or by declaring the termination towards PGW.
    3. PGW can terminate the Agreement and the authorised use immediately, especially if the User does not comply with a provision of this Agreement. After such termination, the rights granted by this Agreement terminate immediately and the User has to delete the Software as well as any backup copies.
  6. Warranties
    1. The statutory provisions of German donation law apply.
  7. Liability and Statute of Limitations
    1. Due to the cost-free nature of the Software, PGW makes no assurances regarding the future availability of the Software or related updates and rejects any liability for lack of availability or the removal of the Software or updates. PGW declines all responsibility for maintaining and providing support for the Software.
    2. In accordance with the statutory provisions, PGW is solely liable for compensation of injuries to life, limb or health, for damages according to applicable product liability regulations and for damages caused by wilful intent or gross negligence on the part of PGW, whereby PGW shall not be liable for lost profits, indirect damages, consequential damages and claims third-party-claims.
    3. A contributory negligence on the part of the User will be of consideration when assessing PGW’s liability. Contributory negligence on the part of the User according to this Agreement shall be assumed in the case of non-compliance with the User’s rights and obligations.
    4. The limitation period for claims made by Users, who are not private end users, shall be one year from the start of the statutory limitation period.
    5. Any further liability and a liability beyond the legally required liability are excluded in all cases.
    6. The above limitations of liability also apply to the personal liability of employees, representatives and organs of PGW.
  8. Applicable Law
    1. This Agreement and all disputes arising from or in connection with this Agreement are governed by the law of the Federal Republic of Germany. The provisions of the UN Sales Convention and the conflict-of-law rules are excluded.
    2. If the User is a merchant or a legal entity under German public law, or if the User does not have a general place of jurisdiction in Germany or Europe, then the exclusive place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from this Agreement and the contractual relationship with PGW is Berlin.
    3. In other cases, the place of jurisdiction for disputes arising from or in connection with this Agreement and the contractual relationship with PGW is the User’s domicile or general place of residence.
  9. Dispute Resolution
    1. The European Commission provides a platform for out-of-court online dispute resolutions (OS). This gives private consumers the opportunity to resolve disputes in connection with their online orders without the intervention of a court. The OS platform can be reached under the following link. PGW is neither obliged nor willing to take part in a dispute settlement procedure before a consumer arbitration board.
S'il vous plaît acceptez les termes.

Endgame Gear OP1 8k Firmware Update

Please read this End User License Agreement carefully before you complete the installation process and before you use the ENDGAME GEAR Configuration software for the first time. By using this software (including the installation process), you declare your consent with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. If you do not agree with these terms and conditions, you are not allowed to complete the installation or use the software.

End User License Agreement

This End User License Agreement (hereinafter “Agreement”) is an agreement between you (hereinafter “User”) and the Pro Gamersware GmbH (hereinafter „PGW“), a German limited liability company with its main offices located at Gaußstraße 1, 10589 Berlin, Germany. Unless explicitly otherwise agreed, these terms and conditions apply exclusively.

This Agreement regulates the provision and usage of PGW’s ENDGAME GEAR Configuration Software (hereinafter "Software") on a cost-free-basis.

If you enter into this Agreement on behalf of a company or other legal entity, you represent that you have the authority to bind that entity and its affiliates to these terms and conditions. If you do not have such authority, or if you do not agree to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, you may not install or use this Software. These terms and conditions also apply to updates and additions to the Software made by PGW, unless otherwise specified in the delivery.

  1. Grant of Rights
    1. PGW grants the User a personal, non-transferable, free, non-exclusive, revocable license to use the Software on User’s devices according to these terms and conditions.
    2. The User is permitted to save and use the Software on an end device (e.g. PC, laptop, mobile phone or tablet). The User is responsible for ensuring that the device meets the minimum requirements of the Software. The User ensures that the Software is only used in accordance with the requirements of this Agreement.
    3. Unless provided by applicable, mandatory law, the User may not do and may not request, support or authorize third parties to do the following:
      1. edit, change, modify, adapt, translate or otherwise change the Software in whole or in part, nor allow all or part of the Software to be combined with or integrated into other Software, decompile, disassemble, or reverse engineer the Software, or try to do such things,
      2. reproduce, copy, distribute, sublease, resell or use the Software for any other commercial purposes,
      3. allow third parties, to use the Software in the name of or for the benefit of others,
      4. use the Software in any way, which infringes applicable local, national or international law,
      5. remove or change existing copyright notices or registration features, such as registration numbers in the Software.
  2. Data Security Measures
    1. The User is advised to verify whether the installation of the Software could lead to particular interferences with other software on User’s devises, and further the User shall back up User’s data prior to the first installation and first usage. The User must take all reasonable additional security measures in the event of a suspected software error. The User must, at all times, take all necessary and appropriate data backup precautions and ensure that the data can be reconstructed with reasonable effort from data material that is kept available in machine-readable form.
    2. The User must protect any copies of the Software from being accessed by unauthorized third parties.
  3. Intellectual Property and Reservation of Ownership
    1. PGW reserves all copyrights, titles and rights of use to the Software and all subsequent updates and versions of the Software.
    2. The Software’s Ownership does not pass on to the User. PGW is the sole owner of the Software and any copies of the Software, as well as all trade secrets, patents, trademarks and other industrial property rights relating to the Software. All copies of the Software, in whatever form they were provided by PGW or made by the User, remain the property of PGW, and such copies are deemed to be “on loan” to the User during the license period.
    3. The User acknowledges that only a limited right of use is granted in accordance with provisions of this Agreement. The User is not being granted any rights to the source code of the Software.
  4. Import and Export Restrictions
    1. This Software may be subject to import and export control regulations of different countries. The User will comply with the applicable import and export control regulations of the Federal Republic of Germany, the European Union and the United States of America as well as all other relevant regulations.
  5. Term and Termination
    1. This Agreement is effective from the date on which the Software is installed or from the date on which this Agreement is accepted and is concluded for an indefinite time period. The Agreement ends with its termination by either party.
    2. The User may terminate the Agreement by deleting the Software or by declaring the termination towards PGW.
    3. PGW can terminate the Agreement and the authorised use immediately, especially if the User does not comply with a provision of this Agreement. After such termination, the rights granted by this Agreement terminate immediately and the User has to delete the Software as well as any backup copies.
  6. Warranties
    1. The statutory provisions of German donation law apply.
  7. Liability and Statute of Limitations
    1. Due to the cost-free nature of the Software, PGW makes no assurances regarding the future availability of the Software or related updates and rejects any liability for lack of availability or the removal of the Software or updates. PGW declines all responsibility for maintaining and providing support for the Software.
    2. In accordance with the statutory provisions, PGW is solely liable for compensation of injuries to life, limb or health, for damages according to applicable product liability regulations and for damages caused by wilful intent or gross negligence on the part of PGW, whereby PGW shall not be liable for lost profits, indirect damages, consequential damages and claims third-party-claims.
    3. A contributory negligence on the part of the User will be of consideration when assessing PGW’s liability. Contributory negligence on the part of the User according to this Agreement shall be assumed in the case of non-compliance with the User’s rights and obligations.
    4. The limitation period for claims made by Users, who are not private end users, shall be one year from the start of the statutory limitation period.
    5. Any further liability and a liability beyond the legally required liability are excluded in all cases.
    6. The above limitations of liability also apply to the personal liability of employees, representatives and organs of PGW.
  8. Applicable Law
    1. This Agreement and all disputes arising from or in connection with this Agreement are governed by the law of the Federal Republic of Germany. The provisions of the UN Sales Convention and the conflict-of-law rules are excluded.
    2. If the User is a merchant or a legal entity under German public law, or if the User does not have a general place of jurisdiction in Germany or Europe, then the exclusive place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from this Agreement and the contractual relationship with PGW is Berlin.
    3. In other cases, the place of jurisdiction for disputes arising from or in connection with this Agreement and the contractual relationship with PGW is the User’s domicile or general place of residence.
  9. Dispute Resolution
    1. The European Commission provides a platform for out-of-court online dispute resolutions (OS). This gives private consumers the opportunity to resolve disputes in connection with their online orders without the intervention of a court. The OS platform can be reached under the following link. PGW is neither obliged nor willing to take part in a dispute settlement procedure before a consumer arbitration board.
S'il vous plaît acceptez les termes.
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62,94 €
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