- OP1 8k Rato de Gaming - Preto
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OP1 8k Rato de Gaming - Preto

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Apresentamos o Rato Gaming Wired OP1 8k. Concebido para um desempenho inigualável, o OP1 8k inclui um MCU de alta velocidade e o novo sensor PixArt PAW3395, que proporciona uma espantosa taxa de polling de 8000 Hz para um controlo suave, preciso e ultrarrápido. Equipado com os nossos exclusivos switches mecânicos Kailh GX, o OP1 8k oferece uma sensação de clique leve e nítida, combinada com uma latência de clique excecionalmente baixa. Sem a necessidade de poupar energia, o OP1 8k redefine a capacidade de resposta e a fiabilidade, sendo perfeito para jogadores competitivos e profissionais. Personalize ainda mais a sua experiência com os botões principais, skates e skins substituíveis.
Cor: Preto
74,90 € com IVA sem
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fiber_manual_record Esgotado

Construção Leve – peso total de ~50.5g


PixArt PAW3395


Kailh GOMechanical Switches

Taxa de polling ultra-rápida até 8000 Hz

Mouse de jogo com taxa de sondagem ultrarrápida de até 8000 Hz

Experimente a máxima capacidade de resposta e precisão em tempo real com a incrível taxa de polling de 8000 Hz do OP1 8k. Equipado com um MCU de alta velocidade Nuvoton M483, este rato gaming fornece até 8000 relatórios de dados por segundo, garantindo velocidades extremamente rápidas e um atraso mínimo. Com cada movimento executado na perfeição, terá a vantagem nos cenários de jogo mais intensos e rápidos. Mantenha o seu jogo no auge à medida que cada vez mais jogos suportam a funcionalidade de 8000 Hz, complementada por optimizações constantes do SO. Diga adeus aos soluços técnicos e olá aos jogos sem complicações, pois pode ajustar sem esforço a taxa de polling com uma simples pressão longa no botão de modo na parte inferior do rato. Eleve a sua experiência de jogo com a precisão e a capacidade de resposta inigualáveis do OP1 8k.

Sensor PixArt PAW3395

Sensor super rápido dentro do mouse de jogo OP1 8k

Obtenha uma precisão inigualável e um tracking extremamente rápido com o revolucionário sensor PixArt PAW3395. Com uma impressionante gama de até 26.000 CPI, 650 IPS e 50G, este sensor garante que cada movimento que faz é preciso e impactante. Navegue pelos mundos virtuais com uma precisão sem igual, mergulhando sem esforço na ação do jogo. Mas isso não é tudo. Leve o seu desempenho nos jogos para o nível seguinte com a funcionalidade Motion-Sync do sensor. Ao ativar o Motion-Sync, que apresenta taxas de sondagem de até 4.000 Hz, pode desfrutar de intervalos de dados consistentes, aperfeiçoando ainda mais a sua memória muscular e optimizando a sua jogabilidade competitiva.

Switches Kailh GX desenvolvidos pela Endgame Gear

Mouse de jogo Endgame Gear com interruptores Kailh GX dentro do OP1 8k

Concebidos para uma precisão extremamente rápida em todas as polling rates, os switches mecânicos Kailh GX garantem que não perderá um clique crucial. A sua configuração SPDT assegura um contacto elétrico ótimo e uma fiabilidade inigualável. Com contactos superiores e inferiores, os switches Kailh GX são excelentes, quer prefira uma baixa latência de clique no modo GX Speed ou segurança no modo GX Safe. O que os distingue é a sua sensação de clique nítida e definida, oferecendo feedback tátil para um melhor controlo do jogo. O acionamento preciso e um design equilibrado garantem acções de disparo rápido sem falhas e sem spam.

Forma Redesenhada para uma Versátil Claw Grip

Formato otimizado para o agarre de garra no mouse de jogo OP1 8k

Com uma construção leve de pouco mais de 50 g, o rato gaming OP1 8k oferece um conforto inigualável durante as sessões de gaming intensas, permitindo-lhe concentrar-se no seu desempenho. Inspirado na popular forma XM, o OP1 8k eleva-a a um nível superior, mantendo a ênfase nos claw grips. Os seus lados mais planos proporcionam a máxima flexibilidade para a colocação dos dedos, tornando-o excelente mesmo para jogadores com mãos maiores. As paredes laterais alargadas evitam cliques acidentais, permitindo-lhe apoiar os dedos na extremidade sem interrupções. Esta alteração subtil, mas significativa, do design oferece um conforto e um controlo adicionais, satisfazendo os jogadores com vários tamanhos de mão e estilos de grip.

Sem Poupança de Energia

Desempenho máximo com o mouse de jogo OP1 8k

Graças ao seu cabo Flex Cord 5.0 e à ligação permanente de dados ao PC, o OP1 8k não precisa de poupar energia. A ausência de funcionalidades de poupança de energia e o modo de ligação permanente ao sensor significam que o dispositivo está sempre no seu desempenho máximo, pronto para executar todos os seus movimentos (ou cliques) com uma exatidão e precisão inigualáveis. Enquanto outros ratos podem sofrer um ligeiro atraso quando acordam, o nosso permanece sempre pronto para a ação. O resultado? Tempos de resposta instantâneos e rastreamento perfeito de pixels, dando-lhe a vantagem competitiva. Diga adeus aos mais pequenos atrasos causados por medidas de poupança de energia. Diga olá ao derradeiro rato gaming que nunca dorme, o Endgame Gear OP1 8k.

Switches de Botão Principal Swappable com Pacotes de Switches Opcionais

Mouse de jogo com interruptores intercambiáveis

O que torna um clique do rato fantástico? Faça esta pergunta a 10 pessoas e obterá 11 respostas diferentes. Todos têm as suas preferências e, por vezes, queremos usar o que mais ninguém está a usar. Embora o Kailh GX seja um switch com uma combinação muito boa de curso interno curto, ponto de atuação nítido e capacidade de gerar spam, pode ainda querer experimentar o seu switch favorito. Todos os ratos OP1 têm um design de switch de botão principal swappable com parafusos acessíveis na placa inferior. Isto permite uma personalização sem esforço, dando-lhe a sensação de clique perfeita, adaptada ao seu gosto. Escolha entre uma variedade de pacotes de switches que oferecem diferentes sensações de clique e siga o nosso guia passo-a-passo simples para substituir os switches. Com o pacote de switch universal, pode usar qualquer switch mecânico que encontrar, sem solda.

Design de Skate Híbrido

Melhor mouse de jogo com o melhor deslizamento OP1 8k

À semelhança da preferência pela sensação de clique, a forma como um rato gaming deve deslizar é uma ciência por si só e, sem dúvida, também depende do género de jogos que mais se joga. O OP1 vem com o nosso chamado Hybrid Skate Design. Isso significa que, logo à partida, escolhemos um conjunto de skates mais pequeno que oferece um excelente equilíbrio entre a área de superfície, o peso e as propriedades de deslizamento. Além disso, adicionamos um conjunto de skates maior e um skate sensor à embalagem, o que é benéfico especialmente para tapetes de rato mais macios. Se quiser minimizar a área de superfície dos skates do rato, por exemplo, para utilização num tapete de vidro, as grandes ranhuras dos skates do OP1 dão-lhe muitas possibilidades de colocar os seus dot skates preferidos. Os parafusos na placa inferior podem ser acedidos para abrir o rato e mudar os switches dos botões principais sem remover os skates.

Especificações do mouse
Patins Design de skate híbrido
Microcontrolador NUVOTON M483
Tipo de sensor óptico
Modelo de sensor Pixart PAW 3395
DPI ajustável Sim
DPI mínimo 50 DPI
máximo DPI 26000 DPI
Nota DPI Resolução: até 26000 CPI (saltos de 50 CPI; pré-definido: 400, 800 (padrão), 1600, 3200)
Elevar distância (LoT) 1 mm
Nota de distância Distância de levantamento (LOD): 1 mm (2 mm via software)
Aceleração 50 G
Velocidade máxima de rastreamento 650 IPS
Comprimento 118.2 mm
Largura 60.5 mm
Altura 37.2 mm
Peso 50.5 g
Cor primária Preto
Layout do mouse destro
Tipos de aderência suportados Claw Grip
Série do produto
Série de produtos/família OP1 8K
Com fio / sem fio com fios
Tipo de conexão USB tip a
Cabo Flex Cord preto 5.0
Comprimento do cabo 180 cm
Padrões / Especificações
Taxa de sondagem 8000 Hz, 4000 Hz, 2000 Hz, 1000 Hz
Chassi de materiais Plástico
Superfície de materiais revestimento Dry Grip
Patins de materiais PTFE
Número de botões / teclas 6
Número de botões / teclas Nota Número de botões: 5 + 1 (2x superior, 2x lateral, 1x roda do rato, 1x CPI na parte inferior)
Interruptores de botão de mouse primário (direita / esquerda) Interruptores Kailh GX seleccionados
Switch Lifetime 80 milhões de accionamentos
Clique em Detecção Digital
Codificador da roda TTC prateado (largo)
Rolagem da roda do mouse 2 vias
Interruptor do botão do mouse do meio interruptores Kailh GM 2.0 pré-instalados (20 milhões de actuações)
Interruptor de botão lateral interruptores Kailh GM 2.0 pré-instalados (20 milhões de actuações)

Endgame Gear OP1 8k Firmware Update v1.09

Please read this End User License Agreement carefully before you complete the installation process and before you use the ENDGAME GEAR Configuration software for the first time. By using this software (including the installation process), you declare your consent with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. If you do not agree with these terms and conditions, you are not allowed to complete the installation or use the software.

End User License Agreement

This End User License Agreement (hereinafter “Agreement”) is an agreement between you (hereinafter “User”) and the Pro Gamersware GmbH (hereinafter „PGW“), a German limited liability company with its main offices located at Gaußstraße 1, 10589 Berlin, Germany. Unless explicitly otherwise agreed, these terms and conditions apply exclusively.

This Agreement regulates the provision and usage of PGW’s ENDGAME GEAR Configuration Software (hereinafter "Software") on a cost-free-basis.

If you enter into this Agreement on behalf of a company or other legal entity, you represent that you have the authority to bind that entity and its affiliates to these terms and conditions. If you do not have such authority, or if you do not agree to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, you may not install or use this Software. These terms and conditions also apply to updates and additions to the Software made by PGW, unless otherwise specified in the delivery.

  1. Grant of Rights
    1. PGW grants the User a personal, non-transferable, free, non-exclusive, revocable license to use the Software on User’s devices according to these terms and conditions.
    2. The User is permitted to save and use the Software on an end device (e.g. PC, laptop, mobile phone or tablet). The User is responsible for ensuring that the device meets the minimum requirements of the Software. The User ensures that the Software is only used in accordance with the requirements of this Agreement.
    3. Unless provided by applicable, mandatory law, the User may not do and may not request, support or authorize third parties to do the following:
      1. edit, change, modify, adapt, translate or otherwise change the Software in whole or in part, nor allow all or part of the Software to be combined with or integrated into other Software, decompile, disassemble, or reverse engineer the Software, or try to do such things,
      2. reproduce, copy, distribute, sublease, resell or use the Software for any other commercial purposes,
      3. allow third parties, to use the Software in the name of or for the benefit of others,
      4. use the Software in any way, which infringes applicable local, national or international law,
      5. remove or change existing copyright notices or registration features, such as registration numbers in the Software.
  2. Data Security Measures
    1. The User is advised to verify whether the installation of the Software could lead to particular interferences with other software on User’s devises, and further the User shall back up User’s data prior to the first installation and first usage. The User must take all reasonable additional security measures in the event of a suspected software error. The User must, at all times, take all necessary and appropriate data backup precautions and ensure that the data can be reconstructed with reasonable effort from data material that is kept available in machine-readable form.
    2. The User must protect any copies of the Software from being accessed by unauthorized third parties.
  3. Intellectual Property and Reservation of Ownership
    1. PGW reserves all copyrights, titles and rights of use to the Software and all subsequent updates and versions of the Software.
    2. The Software’s Ownership does not pass on to the User. PGW is the sole owner of the Software and any copies of the Software, as well as all trade secrets, patents, trademarks and other industrial property rights relating to the Software. All copies of the Software, in whatever form they were provided by PGW or made by the User, remain the property of PGW, and such copies are deemed to be “on loan” to the User during the license period.
    3. The User acknowledges that only a limited right of use is granted in accordance with provisions of this Agreement. The User is not being granted any rights to the source code of the Software.
  4. Import and Export Restrictions
    1. This Software may be subject to import and export control regulations of different countries. The User will comply with the applicable import and export control regulations of the Federal Republic of Germany, the European Union and the United States of America as well as all other relevant regulations.
  5. Term and Termination
    1. This Agreement is effective from the date on which the Software is installed or from the date on which this Agreement is accepted and is concluded for an indefinite time period. The Agreement ends with its termination by either party.
    2. The User may terminate the Agreement by deleting the Software or by declaring the termination towards PGW.
    3. PGW can terminate the Agreement and the authorised use immediately, especially if the User does not comply with a provision of this Agreement. After such termination, the rights granted by this Agreement terminate immediately and the User has to delete the Software as well as any backup copies.
  6. Warranties
    1. The statutory provisions of German donation law apply.
  7. Liability and Statute of Limitations
    1. Due to the cost-free nature of the Software, PGW makes no assurances regarding the future availability of the Software or related updates and rejects any liability for lack of availability or the removal of the Software or updates. PGW declines all responsibility for maintaining and providing support for the Software.
    2. In accordance with the statutory provisions, PGW is solely liable for compensation of injuries to life, limb or health, for damages according to applicable product liability regulations and for damages caused by wilful intent or gross negligence on the part of PGW, whereby PGW shall not be liable for lost profits, indirect damages, consequential damages and claims third-party-claims.
    3. A contributory negligence on the part of the User will be of consideration when assessing PGW’s liability. Contributory negligence on the part of the User according to this Agreement shall be assumed in the case of non-compliance with the User’s rights and obligations.
    4. The limitation period for claims made by Users, who are not private end users, shall be one year from the start of the statutory limitation period.
    5. Any further liability and a liability beyond the legally required liability are excluded in all cases.
    6. The above limitations of liability also apply to the personal liability of employees, representatives and organs of PGW.
  8. Applicable Law
    1. This Agreement and all disputes arising from or in connection with this Agreement are governed by the law of the Federal Republic of Germany. The provisions of the UN Sales Convention and the conflict-of-law rules are excluded.
    2. If the User is a merchant or a legal entity under German public law, or if the User does not have a general place of jurisdiction in Germany or Europe, then the exclusive place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from this Agreement and the contractual relationship with PGW is Berlin.
    3. In other cases, the place of jurisdiction for disputes arising from or in connection with this Agreement and the contractual relationship with PGW is the User’s domicile or general place of residence.
  9. Dispute Resolution
    1. The European Commission provides a platform for out-of-court online dispute resolutions (OS). This gives private consumers the opportunity to resolve disputes in connection with their online orders without the intervention of a court. The OS platform can be reached under the following link. PGW is neither obliged nor willing to take part in a dispute settlement procedure before a consumer arbitration board.
Por favor, aceite os termos.

Endgame Gear OP1 8k Configuration Tool v1.03

Please read this End User License Agreement carefully before you complete the installation process and before you use the ENDGAME GEAR Configuration software for the first time. By using this software (including the installation process), you declare your consent with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. If you do not agree with these terms and conditions, you are not allowed to complete the installation or use the software.

End User License Agreement

This End User License Agreement (hereinafter “Agreement”) is an agreement between you (hereinafter “User”) and the Pro Gamersware GmbH (hereinafter „PGW“), a German limited liability company with its main offices located at Gaußstraße 1, 10589 Berlin, Germany. Unless explicitly otherwise agreed, these terms and conditions apply exclusively.

This Agreement regulates the provision and usage of PGW’s ENDGAME GEAR Configuration Software (hereinafter "Software") on a cost-free-basis.

If you enter into this Agreement on behalf of a company or other legal entity, you represent that you have the authority to bind that entity and its affiliates to these terms and conditions. If you do not have such authority, or if you do not agree to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, you may not install or use this Software. These terms and conditions also apply to updates and additions to the Software made by PGW, unless otherwise specified in the delivery.

  1. Grant of Rights
    1. PGW grants the User a personal, non-transferable, free, non-exclusive, revocable license to use the Software on User’s devices according to these terms and conditions.
    2. The User is permitted to save and use the Software on an end device (e.g. PC, laptop, mobile phone or tablet). The User is responsible for ensuring that the device meets the minimum requirements of the Software. The User ensures that the Software is only used in accordance with the requirements of this Agreement.
    3. Unless provided by applicable, mandatory law, the User may not do and may not request, support or authorize third parties to do the following:
      1. edit, change, modify, adapt, translate or otherwise change the Software in whole or in part, nor allow all or part of the Software to be combined with or integrated into other Software, decompile, disassemble, or reverse engineer the Software, or try to do such things,
      2. reproduce, copy, distribute, sublease, resell or use the Software for any other commercial purposes,
      3. allow third parties, to use the Software in the name of or for the benefit of others,
      4. use the Software in any way, which infringes applicable local, national or international law,
      5. remove or change existing copyright notices or registration features, such as registration numbers in the Software.
  2. Data Security Measures
    1. The User is advised to verify whether the installation of the Software could lead to particular interferences with other software on User’s devises, and further the User shall back up User’s data prior to the first installation and first usage. The User must take all reasonable additional security measures in the event of a suspected software error. The User must, at all times, take all necessary and appropriate data backup precautions and ensure that the data can be reconstructed with reasonable effort from data material that is kept available in machine-readable form.
    2. The User must protect any copies of the Software from being accessed by unauthorized third parties.
  3. Intellectual Property and Reservation of Ownership
    1. PGW reserves all copyrights, titles and rights of use to the Software and all subsequent updates and versions of the Software.
    2. The Software’s Ownership does not pass on to the User. PGW is the sole owner of the Software and any copies of the Software, as well as all trade secrets, patents, trademarks and other industrial property rights relating to the Software. All copies of the Software, in whatever form they were provided by PGW or made by the User, remain the property of PGW, and such copies are deemed to be “on loan” to the User during the license period.
    3. The User acknowledges that only a limited right of use is granted in accordance with provisions of this Agreement. The User is not being granted any rights to the source code of the Software.
  4. Import and Export Restrictions
    1. This Software may be subject to import and export control regulations of different countries. The User will comply with the applicable import and export control regulations of the Federal Republic of Germany, the European Union and the United States of America as well as all other relevant regulations.
  5. Term and Termination
    1. This Agreement is effective from the date on which the Software is installed or from the date on which this Agreement is accepted and is concluded for an indefinite time period. The Agreement ends with its termination by either party.
    2. The User may terminate the Agreement by deleting the Software or by declaring the termination towards PGW.
    3. PGW can terminate the Agreement and the authorised use immediately, especially if the User does not comply with a provision of this Agreement. After such termination, the rights granted by this Agreement terminate immediately and the User has to delete the Software as well as any backup copies.
  6. Warranties
    1. The statutory provisions of German donation law apply.
  7. Liability and Statute of Limitations
    1. Due to the cost-free nature of the Software, PGW makes no assurances regarding the future availability of the Software or related updates and rejects any liability for lack of availability or the removal of the Software or updates. PGW declines all responsibility for maintaining and providing support for the Software.
    2. In accordance with the statutory provisions, PGW is solely liable for compensation of injuries to life, limb or health, for damages according to applicable product liability regulations and for damages caused by wilful intent or gross negligence on the part of PGW, whereby PGW shall not be liable for lost profits, indirect damages, consequential damages and claims third-party-claims.
    3. A contributory negligence on the part of the User will be of consideration when assessing PGW’s liability. Contributory negligence on the part of the User according to this Agreement shall be assumed in the case of non-compliance with the User’s rights and obligations.
    4. The limitation period for claims made by Users, who are not private end users, shall be one year from the start of the statutory limitation period.
    5. Any further liability and a liability beyond the legally required liability are excluded in all cases.
    6. The above limitations of liability also apply to the personal liability of employees, representatives and organs of PGW.
  8. Applicable Law
    1. This Agreement and all disputes arising from or in connection with this Agreement are governed by the law of the Federal Republic of Germany. The provisions of the UN Sales Convention and the conflict-of-law rules are excluded.
    2. If the User is a merchant or a legal entity under German public law, or if the User does not have a general place of jurisdiction in Germany or Europe, then the exclusive place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from this Agreement and the contractual relationship with PGW is Berlin.
    3. In other cases, the place of jurisdiction for disputes arising from or in connection with this Agreement and the contractual relationship with PGW is the User’s domicile or general place of residence.
  9. Dispute Resolution
    1. The European Commission provides a platform for out-of-court online dispute resolutions (OS). This gives private consumers the opportunity to resolve disputes in connection with their online orders without the intervention of a court. The OS platform can be reached under the following link. PGW is neither obliged nor willing to take part in a dispute settlement procedure before a consumer arbitration board.
Por favor, aceite os termos.
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